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The Charles Smith Academy Page 13

  “Do you need to go and lay down for a little while or are you ready to go and apologise to Harry?” Charles asked. “You were both very rude to him.”

  Hazel squirmed on his lap as she whispered: “We’ll go and see Harry. I am sorry Sir.”

  Charles hugged them both tightly before kissing them again. “Go on then. I’ll see you both later. I’m sure Harry can find some jobs for you to keep you both out of mischief.”

  Jenny smiled as they got up and hurried downstairs to go and find Harry. He was in his garden shed and Jenny knocked on the door before leading Hazel inside. It was really nice, with a settee and TV at one end and all his gardening equipment at the other. He’d occasionally let Hazel and Jenny use the shed for a bit of privacy and they had many fond memories.

  Harry greeted them with a hug, kissing away their tears which continued to flow. “Oh dear, I guess you’ve both been well punished today. How did you enjoy your figging and enemas?”

  Hazel and Jenny blushed.

  “I’m really sorry I called you a bastard,” said Hazel, causing Harry to grin at them.

  “Me too,” said Jenny. “I didn’t mean it.”

  “No worries. I’m sure you’ve been well punished by Charles.”

  Jenny and Hazel nodded sadly.

  Harry smiled at them. “You’re both forgiven. Now let’s see if we can put a smile on your faces again,” he said, as he pulled down Jenny’s jeans and panties and guided her across his knee, giving her bare bottom a few gentle smacks before fingering her bottom hole. “Does that feel nice?” Jenny nodded as his finger probed around.

  “I’m sure it didn’t feel very nice when Charles put that big nozzle up there?”

  Jenny blushed and turned her face away. She was really embarrassed that Harry knew how they’d been punished, but his finger in her bottom was really turning her on. She squirmed across his lap and raised her bottom towards him, desperate for him to continue.

  “Jenny, would you like to sleep with a man?” Harry asked as he probed deeply. Jenny immediately shook her head. “No, but Hazel might.” Hazel grinned as she watched Jenny squirming across Harry’s lap, his finger deeply seated in her bottom as her hips gyrated.

  Jenny smiled as Harry rubbed her back gently with one hand while he continued to finger her bottom hole. She still stung back there, but his rubbing was providing some relief. She sighed with pleasure. As he also stimulated her clit with his thumb she found it impossible to control herself and cried out as her body bucked across his lap.

  Jenny got up and hugged Hazel, kissing her on the cheek. Harry took Hazel’s hand and pulled her jeans and panties down before taking her across his knee. As Hazel settled down, he stroked her bottom gently. Jenny watched closely, fingering herself.

  Harry looked up at her. “Jenny, sit on the end of the settee facing us. Hazel might be able to help you with that.” Jenny kicked off her jeans and panties and quickly got into position, her legs spread wide, and Hazel eagerly reached forward and started to lick her lover’s pussy as Harry caressed her bottom.

  Jenny closed her eyes as Hazel plunged her fingers inside her and licked hungrily. Hazel gasped loudly and Jenny watched her throw her head back. She guessed Harry had started to finger her bottom hole. She smiled at the look of ecstasy on Hazel’s face.

  “Hazel, I’d love to put my cock inside you, if you’d like that.”

  Hazel nodded enthusiastically, before looking with concern at Jenny. “Would you mind?”

  Jenny shook her head, smiling. She had no desire to feel a man inside her, but she knew how much Hazel liked penetrative sex. She had also secretly longed to watch Hazel screwed by a man.

  Jenny scrambled up as Hazel got onto all fours on the sofa. “Please take me from behind,” she begged, as she kicked her clothes free of her legs.

  Jenny watched Harry’s face light up with a grin. He got his already hard cock out and lined it up with Hazel’s pussy. He thrust inside her and Hazel cried out with pleasure. Harry pulled back then thrust into her again, before pulling out and nudging his cock against her bottom hole. As he thrust hard into her and Hazel groaned with pleasure, Jenny wriggled herself under Hazel’s face, begging her to lick her pussy. Jenny tried to keep her eyes open so she could watch Harry taking Hazel hard from behind. She savoured Hazel’s cries of pleasure.

  Eventually Jenny closed her eyes and cried out as an orgasm shook her whole body. As she lay trembling afterwards, she opened her eyes to watch Hazel thrusting back against Harry.

  Harry pulled out of Hazel and Jenny was surprised to see he was even bigger and harder than before. He sat down and guided Hazel backwards onto his cock, reaching around her and fondling her breasts as she bounced slowly. Hazel’s eyes were closed in pleasure. Jenny looked down at Hazel’s open thighs and knelt between them, licking her clit. When Hazel noisily orgasmed they changed position again.

  This time Harry had Jenny lay on her back on his workbench and he put Hazel on top of her in the 69 position. Jenny knew he was watching them and this turned her on more than ever as she plunged her tongue into Hazel’s pussy, trying to give as much pleasure as she herself was receiving. They writhed in ecstasy as they both orgasmed.

  As Jenny recovered, she watched Harry thrust his cock into Hazel’s bottom again. Hazel’s cries proved she was clearly enjoying it. As Hazel’s tongue brought Jenny to yet another orgasm, she heard Hazel scream out in pleasure and Harry’s grunting told her that he’d also finally orgasmed too.

  After sitting and chatting for a while, strangely with no awkwardness at all, they kissed Harry goodbye and thanked him for a great afternoon. Hazel and Jenny returned to the house completely exhausted. Charles smiled and said he was pleased to see Harry had worked them hard. Jenny grinned, wondering how hard he’d spank them if he knew what type of ‘work’ they’d been doing.

  “I have a surprise for you both,” announced Charles. “I’ve booked a table at your favourite restaurant.” They were thrilled and quickly got ready. They had a lovely evening, their humiliating punishments of only a few hours ago now forgotten. But Jenny became concerned that Charles looked tired and unwell and when Hazel suggested they skip dessert and get him home, Jenny agreed.

  Once home they tucked Charles into bed as he told them not to make a fuss. “I’ve got a cold. I’ll be better by morning.” He had a bit of a temperature and they decided to sit with him for a while.

  He smiled. “I love you both very much. I’m sorry I have to punish you hard at times. I do it because I love you and want you to be the best that you can be. I’m so sorry if I humiliated you today, but I was at the end of my tether. I won’t tolerate language like that, and I could think of no better punishment.”

  Hazel and Jenny nodded. “We understand. We love you too Sir,” said Jenny. “We deserved everything you did to us and more. You deserve to have respect in your own home. We certainly didn’t respect you this morning and we got exactly what we deserved.”

  Hazel nodded as she leaned forward and kissed Charles. “Jenny’s right. We really appreciate your most generous gift of a place of our own. We hadn’t been looking after it and when you tried to punish us for that, we both made things worse by misbehaving and swearing. You didn’t do anything to us that we didn’t deserve Sir.”

  Charles smiled as he closed his eyes and fell asleep. They decided to stay in the house in case he needed them, settling themselves down in Jenny’s old room.

  Jenny couldn’t get to sleep as she remembered their fun with Harry. She could barely believe what they’d done and how good it was. Hazel snuggled up to Jenny. “I love you so much, but please can we invite Harry round to the cottage one night?”

  Jenny giggled. “Definitely, I can’t wait. It was such a turn-on seeing him take you up the bum. In fact I think I’d like to do that myself right now,” Jenny said, reaching for the strap-on she’d accidentally left behind when they moved into the cottage. As they kissed passionately, Jenny rolled Hazel onto her stomach and took her h
ard from behind, picturing Harry doing it earlier that day. She couldn’t wait to see him tomorrow and find out when he might be free to spend an evening with them.

  Chapter Nine

  JENNY quietly got out of bed and watched Hazel sleep. She knew Hazel hadn’t slept well - she hadn’t slept too well herself - and although they were going out early today, she wanted Hazel to sleep as much as she could. They had a long day ahead of them.

  Jenny went into the kitchen and found Harry making breakfast. She smiled as he greeted her with a hug.

  Harry held her at arm’s length and looked into her tear-filled eyes. He smiled as he gently chided her. “Jenny, cheer up or I’ll smack your bottom. Today is a day for celebration, not sorrow.” Jenny returned his smile, before snuggling into him.

  Moments later Hazel joined them, pushing her way in so she could hug Harry too. Jenny smiled. Some things never changed. Hazel still seemed to compete with Jenny for affection. If Jenny was honest with herself she guessed she was as bad, pushing her way in when Hazel was being hugged.

  Jenny smiled as Harry gave Hazel the same warning. “Remember Hazel, we’re celebrating today. If I see any tears I’ll take you across my knee and give you reason to cry. Understand?” Hazel nodded solemnly and Harry laughed as he pulled them both into his arms. “Cheer up, you know I’d never smack you for being upset, but I do want you to try and be happy. OK?” Hazel and Jenny nodded as he steered them towards the table.

  Harry chatted throughout breakfast, but Hazel and Jenny were quiet. Jenny reached over to squeeze Hazel’s hand and Hazel smiled weakly. Her eyes were filled with tears and Jenny turned away. She needed to be strong to help Hazel through today.

  After breakfast Harry sent them to get ready and shortly afterwards Judge Walker arrived. “Are we all ready to go?” He held his arms out to Hazel and Jenny and they fell into his embrace and sobbed. “Hey, what’s all this, Harry said you’d promised no tears.”

  Jenny smiled as he wiped her tears away and kissed her on the cheek, though it took him a lot longer to calm Hazel down. Jenny felt utterly helpless as Hazel clung to the judge and sobbed loudly.

  When everyone was ready Judge Walker led them out to his car and held the back door open as Jenny and Hazel got in. Harry rode up front with the judge and they travelled the short distance in silence. As Judge Walker parked the car, Hazel started to cry again and Jenny hugged her. “Come on Hazel, be brave. Charles wouldn’t want us to be sad.”

  Hazel looked at her through red-rimmed eyes. “I can’t believe he’s been gone a year. I keep expecting him to walk in. I miss him so much,” she sobbed. Jenny hugged her as she recalled the events of a year ago.

  She’d been relaxing in bed, smiling as she recovered from the wild sex they’d just enjoyed. Suddenly her peaceful morning was shattered as Hazel’s ear-piercing scream had echoed around the house. Jenny had ran to Charles’ room, where she’d found Hazel knelt on Charles’ bed, shaking his lifeless body. Jenny knew at once he was dead, but it had taken her a long time to persuade Hazel there was nothing they could do. He was gone.

  Jenny had phoned Judge Walker and he’d arrived very quickly. A doctor was with him and they’d had to prise Hazel away from Charles’ body. The doctor had confirmed his death and arranged for him to be taken away.

  Jenny would never forget Judge Walker’s kindness. He’d dropped everything to move in with them, to help and support them through what proved to be a very difficult time. He’d made all the funeral arrangements and the days had passed in a blur for Jenny as the judge organised everything.

  He was of great comfort to Jenny and Hazel at Charles’ funeral, sitting in the front row with them either side of him, hugging them close to him as they sobbed and offering words of comfort.

  Jenny shuddered at the memory as she got out of the car and helped Hazel out, put her arm around her and guided her through the memorial garden until they came to the spot where they’d scattered Charles’ ashes almost a year ago. Jenny thought Charles dying peacefully in his sleep – simply of old age, the doctor had said - was the best way to go. She hoped she’d be as fortunate when her time came.

  She guided Hazel to a bench, where she sat down and ran her fingers over the plaque on the back of the seat. “In loving memory of Charles Smith.” It was simple and to the point. They loved him and remembered him every day. There was nothing more to say. Jenny sat beside Hazel and touched her hand gently.

  Judge Walker and Harry joined them and Jenny watched numbly as Hazel sobbed in the judge’s arms. Jenny was sad too, but tried desperately to hold in her tears. Eventually Hazel was silent and Judge Walker stood up and took her hand. “Come on girls, let’s get you home. We’ve got a lot to do before tonight.”

  Jenny stamped her foot. “No!” Judge Walker turned and looked at her. He frowned as Jenny swallowed nervously. “Now is not the time for tantrums, young lady, unless of course you want to go across my knee? Don’t think for one minute that I wouldn’t do it.”

  Jenny looked the judge in the eye and nodded slowly. She saw the shock on his face as he looked around. She wondered if he was checking they were the only ones in the gardens. She wondered if he’d care if they weren’t.

  “Jenny, this is your final warning. I don’t want to spank you today, but I will if you continue with this behaviour.” Jenny looked at him, almost challenging him, and stamped her foot again. “No!” she pouted.

  Judge Walker let go of Hazel’s hand, grabbed hold of Jenny and pulled her towards him as he sat down. “Jenny, do I really have to bare your bottom and spank you here? Do you have no respect for the dead?”

  Jenny shrugged as she lifted her dress and lay across his lap. She wasn’t quite sure why she was doing this when Judge Walker had been so good to them. She was embarrassed by her own behaviour, but seemed unable to stop. She heard the judge sigh deeply before taking a firm grip on her waist.

  Jenny suddenly felt some explanation was necessary for her behaviour and quickly began to talk. She didn’t want Judge Walker to hate her and think she was simply being a brat. “Judge Walker, I feel like Charles is with us right now. I can feel him. I think he’d like to see that someone’s still keeping us in line.”

  Judge Walker responded without hesitation. “Jenny, if Charles is watching I’m sure he’d much rather you behaved yourself and didn’t need to be smacked like a naughty little girl, especially in a public place.”

  Without considering the consequences of her actions, Jenny sunk her teeth into the judge’s leg. She couldn’t explain why she did it, but as he screeched in pain she immediately regretted her actions. She opened her mouth to apologise as his hand slammed against her panty-covered buttocks. She howled in pain. He tugged her panties down and began a long and stinging spanking.

  Jenny kicked her legs frantically as she sobbed and struggled to break free, but the judge had too tight a grip on her. It really hurt and she felt humiliated. She hoped no-one was around. It seemed almost disrespectful to anyone who may happen to walk by. She suddenly felt very guilty and wished he would stop. Her sobbing became louder as her grief came pouring out.

  Her spanking finally stopped and Jenny slowly stood and rubbed her bottom, tears rolling down her cheeks. “I’m sorry Sir.” Judge Walker nodded as he hugged her tight and kissed her gently, before releasing her and reaching for Hazel.

  The judge pulled Hazel towards him and Jenny watched as he guided her across his lap. She didn’t resist. “I guess you need a spanking too?” Judge Walker asked. Hazel didn’t respond.

  Jenny was surprised when Hazel didn’t struggle and was stunned when she reached back to raise her dress and lower her panties. Maybe Hazel needed a spanking too, thought Jenny, as the judge spanked her firmly. Strangely enough Jenny felt calmer, as if a weight had been lifted from her. She really did love Judge Walker. He was like Charles in a way, always knowing what it was that she needed most, whether that was a hug, some advice or sometimes even a stinging spanking on her bare bottom.

/>   Jenny watched Hazel sob throughout her spanking. She desperately wanted to kiss and hug her and make her pain go away, not just the pain from her spanking but the pain she’d been able to see in her eyes every day since Charles had gone. She watched Hazel’s bottom redden under the judge’s strong hand as her legs kicked frantically and her body squirmed

  When Hazel’s spanking was over Jenny watched her get up and hug Judge Walker. “Thank you Sir. I really do miss Charles. I feel close to him again now.” Hazel clung to the judge as she sobbed pitifully.

  Jenny joined them and tearfully apologised. “I don’t know what came over me Sir. I’m sorry.” She was pleased to see the judge was smiling as he pulled her into his arms.

  “I’m sure Charles will be smiling down on us and in agreement with the spankings he’s just witnessed,” Judge Walker said, winking at them and pulling them closer.

  They were all smiles as Judge Walker led them to the car. On the way home he stopped and bought them all lunch. Turning to Hazel and Jenny he said: “You both deserve a treat. Today is going to be a tiring day and I want you to know I’m here for you.” They smiled.

  Jenny couldn’t believe how strong Judge Walker had been. She knew that he’d been Charles’ closest friend for many years and he must surely be feeling the pain of Charles’ death as much as they were, but he was always there to support them. Jenny wondered who the judge turned to when he got sad.

  “Right, who’d like to go shopping?” Judge Walker asked. Jenny and Hazel smiled brightly. “I thought you might like new dresses for tonight.” They both nodded enthusiastically. Harry politely declined. “No thanks, I’ll pass. I’ve already got my dress for tonight.” Hazel and Jenny giggled as Harry grinned at them.

  Harry stood up. “I’ll get myself home and see you there later. Have fun.” Jenny got up and kissed Harry before watching him leave.