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The Charles Smith Academy Page 12

  Harry smiled knowingly and winked at a curious looking Jenny.

  Charles sighed and glared at Jenny. “I thought I told you to join Hazel upstairs,” he said, grabbing her by the wrist, turning her and landing a sharp smack on her bottom.

  Jenny squealed and nodded meekly. “I’m sorry Sir. I really am.”

  Charles’ expression was grim. “As I said to your friend a few moments ago, you’re going to be sorry… very, very sorry. Now get upstairs unless you want to make me even angrier.”

  Jenny scurried into the house, wondering what could be worse than ginger in her bottom, which was still stinging. She had an awful feeling they were quickly going to find out.

  Chapter Eight

  JENNY’S eyes filled with tears as she turned and ran upstairs to join Hazel, who was sat on the closed toilet seat weeping loudly. Jenny knelt in front of her and hugged her. “It’ll be OK Hazel. Please don’t cry.”

  Jenny was grateful that Charles didn’t join them immediately as she was able to calm Hazel down slightly. She was very anxious herself and knew they’d pushed him too far. Their punishment for untidiness had turned into something much more serious – both girls knew that Charles couldn’t abide bad language from young ladies. Jenny hoped he wouldn’t feel it necessary to use the cane. She cringed at the memory of that most feared implement.

  Jenny heard Charles’ footsteps coming up the stairs and listened as he appeared to be moving furniture around in his bedroom. A few minutes later she heard water flowing and realised he’d gone into his en suite bathroom. She guessed he was trying to calm himself down before he dealt with them.

  Moments later Jenny glanced up nervously as Charles entered the bathroom. He looked from one to the other and as Hazel was still sobbing he focused his angry glare on Jenny. “I’m disgusted with you both. I was very angry this morning. I’ve spent a small fortune having that cottage built for you and you treat it with such disrespect. You can’t even be bothered to keep it clean and tidy. You don’t deserve it and I have a good mind to bring you both back into the house where I can keep a closer eye on you.”

  Jenny lowered her eyes to the floor and clutched Hazel’s hand as her sobbing increased. She couldn’t argue with anything Charles was saying. They didn’t deserve to have the cottage if they didn’t appreciate it. They’d just got swept away with the thrill of having a place of their own and had simply been too lazy to keep it clean, preferring to use their new found freedom to make love in every room of their new home as many times as possible. Even Jenny’s memories of the fun she’d had with Hazel couldn’t brighten her mood because it was all overshadowed with the anger they’d caused Charles. Jenny shook her head sadly as she looked up at Charles. “We’re so sorry Sir.”

  Charles nodded. “I’m sure you are. I won’t take the cottage away from you, but you’re on a final warning. If you can’t learn to have respect for your possessions, I’ll simply take them away from you. As for your disrespect towards me, and your vulgar language, we’re about to deal with that.”

  Charles focused on Jenny again and she trembled as the fire blazed in his eyes. “You know that I do not tolerate bad language. I’m going to teach you a lesson after which I’m sure you’ll never think of using such disgusting language in my presence ever again. Come here Jenny.”

  Jenny slowly rose from the bathroom floor and reached for Charles’ hand. He dragged her to the sink and pushed her forward so she was bending over it. She tensed her bottom cheeks as she anticipated a spanking but instead Charles picked up a bar of soap, rinsed it under the tap and pushed it into her mouth. “You dare bite me and I promise you’ll be feeling the bite of the cane on your bare bottom.” Jenny’s eyes widened as she nodded meekly.

  As Charles pushed the soap around her mouth, Jenny gagged on the vile soapy lather. Tears streamed down her cheeks and she was relieved when he removed the soap and allowed her to spit out the soap suds in her mouth. Unfortunately the foul taste remained as she was told to stand facing the wall.

  Jenny glanced across at Hazel, breathing a sigh of relief when she didn’t fight Charles and allowed him to guide her to the sink. She listened to her partner’s sobbing increase as Charles thoroughly scrubbed her mouth with the soap. She listened to her spitting and coughing and she knew exactly how she was feeling. Jenny was desperate to get rid of the awful taste in her mouth.

  Charles sent Hazel to stand beside Jenny and they stood in silence for a few minutes before Charles allowed them to rinse their mouths with water. Jenny was dismayed that despite rinsing she could still taste the soap. She guessed that was part of the punishment. She looked at Hazel who was frantically rinsing her mouth and pulling a face so she guessed she couldn’t wash the taste away either.

  “Get yourselves into my bedroom and strip off,” ordered Charles. “I want you both facing the wall, hands on your heads. If you’re not undressed when I get there I’ll strap your bottom holes hard. Do as you’re told, now!”

  Blushing furiously, Jenny ran from the bathroom with Hazel. She couldn’t believe Charles wanted them naked, it was too humiliating to even contemplate, but there was no way he was going to strap her bottom hole. It still stung unbearably from a combination of the ginger root and also the spanks he’d landed there earlier.

  Jenny walked into Charles’ bedroom, gripping Hazel’s hand tightly, and stared wide-eyed at the two chairs beside his bed. The seats had been removed and there was a potty inside each. She blushed as she saw the metal frames either side of the bed with a hot water bottle hanging from each with a long hose hanging down. She inspected the bottle and found it was warm and full of liquid. The hose ended with a large, hard object with holes in the end. Jenny frowned as she looked at an ashen-faced Hazel and tried to guess what he intended to do to them.

  “Didn’t I say I wanted you both naked?”

  Jenny dropped the hose and turned to Charles, who had now entered his bedroom. “I’m sorry Sir. I’ll do it now.”

  “It’s too late Jenny. I gave you both a chance to undress in private. Now you can do it in front of me. You have two minutes to get naked and place yourselves side by side at the end of the bed. I want you on all fours, leaning down on the bed with your bottoms in the air, legs spread. Don’t make me punish you for disobedience. I’ve just about had enough of your behaviour for one day.”

  Charles sat down as the girls looked at each other, white with shock, as they slowly removed their pyjamas and panties, blushing as they uncovered themselves to Charles’ steady gaze. Jenny put her hands across her breasts and Hazel tried to use one arm to cover her breasts while she put the other hand over her pussy.

  “Put your hands on your heads and get on the bed, into the position I told you, now. Do it quickly or I’ll call Harry in to help me.”

  Jenny and Hazel obediently walked to the bed, hands on their heads, blushing furiously, before climbing up onto it. It was bad enough that Charles was seeing them like this. Jenny couldn’t bear the thought of Harry being witness to their humiliation too.

  Hazel leaned forward, lowering her upper body to the bed and resting her head on her hands, pushing her bottom up into the air and spreading her legs wide. Jenny gasped as she saw how Hazel’s buttocks spread wide, displaying her bottom hole and her pussy. Taking a deep breath, Jenny lowered herself into the same position beside Hazel.

  Jenny blushed as she turned her face to look at Hazel. Hazel gripped her hand tightly. “We’ll be OK. Charles would never hurt us. We just have to do as we’re told. Whatever he’s doing will be over soon.”

  “Good girl. You’d both do well to take that advice. Now hold still and this will be over very soon. The consequences will be severe if either of you give me any further reason to punish you.”

  Hazel and Jenny watched Charles walk around to Hazel’s side of the bed, take the nozzle that Jenny had examined, along with a tube of lubricant, and he stared at them as he thoroughly coated the nozzle before walking behind Hazel. She blushed as Charles pushe
d a lubricated finger into her bottom, gave her a smack and an order to relax, and pushed the nozzle firmly into her bottom. He walked back to the hot water bottle, fiddled around with it and Hazel gasped as the warm water started to fill her.

  Hazel squirmed as he walked round to Jenny’s side of the bed and repeated the procedure. Hazel gripped Jenny’s hand tighter and willed her to behave as he thrust first his finger and then the hard nozzle into her bottom. Jenny gasped as the nozzle was pressed into her bottom, and she squirmed and begged him to stop. She immediately apologised when he landed a hard smack on her thigh. As he started the water flowing into Jenny, she started to cry. Hazel gripped her hand tighter. “Jenny, calm down, it isn’t too bad. It’s uncomfortable but it’s OK. You’ll be fine as long as you behave.”

  Jenny whimpered. It was uncomfortable and embarrassing and she couldn’t believe it was happening. It felt unnatural to have something pushed into her bottom and the water flowing into her bowels made her feel uncomfortably full.

  Jenny squirmed uncontrollably and clenched her buttocks, fearful that she might have an accident. She desperately needed to go to the toilet. She glanced at the commodes by the bed and cringed as she realised Charles’ intentions. Her bottom hole still stung unbearably from the ginger and having something pushed into her bottom that stretched her uncomfortably wasn’t helping.

  When both bags were empty, Charles stepped behind the girls and smacked their bottoms in turn with his hand. “I want you to hold that for five minutes. I’ll leave the nozzle inside which will help, but I am going to keep smacking you. Any accidents and I’ll get a much larger bag and give you each a huge soap suds enema which I promise won’t be so easy to hold.”

  Hazel and Jenny glanced at each other and clenched their buttocks, howling as he spanked their bottoms and thighs. Jenny realised that he was paying particular attention to their sit spots and she wasn’t looking forward to sitting on the toilet afterwards. As Charles landed a firm smack between Jenny’s legs, she was reminded of her nakedness and how much she was showing to Charles. She blushed furiously but didn’t dare to close her legs. She squeezed Hazel’s hand as her partner received a smack on her pussy too.

  Jenny was relieved when Charles removed the nozzle from her bottom, but she hoped he wouldn’t make her wait too long. She was desperate and feared what would happen if she had an accident. He removed Hazel’s nozzle too and she reached back and grasped her buttocks. “Please Sir, I need to go now. Please.”

  Jenny was glad when Charles helped Hazel up and guided her to the commode, turning her round and pushing her down onto the seat. Hazel squealed and tried to push up, but Charles held her down, giving her a warning that if she got up he’d take her across his knee and spank her with the enema still inside her. Thankfully Hazel quietened down.

  Jenny breathed a sigh of relief as Charles guided her to the commode beside Hazel. She blushed as he pushed her onto the seat and she covered her breasts with her hands.

  Jenny squeezed her eyes tightly shut as she struggled between the urgent need to expel the soapy enema that was really irritating her insides, and her desire to not do this naked in front of Charles. Hazel gripped Jenny’s hand and Jenny glanced at her partner’s red face. She was obviously having her own struggles. Jenny looked at Charles and saw him watching them intently.

  Sighing deeply, Jenny closed her eyes and relaxed, trying not to blush as she released her enema. She gripped Hazel’s hand as her partner too lost the battle to hang onto her own enema.

  Jenny was surprised how long it took to feel empty and blushed when she was finally finished and Charles took her hand and guided her across his lap, wiping her bottom and then sending her to the bathroom to clean out her commode. She cringed as she returned to find Hazel refusing to get up.

  “I’m not finished. I can wipe my own bottom Sir. Nooooooooo,” she squealed as Charles yanked her out of the seat and across his knee.

  Hazel howled in pain as Charles started to spank her. “No Sir. It hurts. No. Please. Let me wipe my bottom Sir,” Hazel whined.

  Jenny really felt for her partner. She couldn’t imagine anything more humiliating than being spanked under these conditions. She was relieved when Hazel sobbingly allowed Charles to part her cheeks and wipe her clean. Jenny noticed that he took a great deal longer to clean Hazel and did a much more thorough job, spreading her buttocks wide and pushing his finger into her bottom as Hazel sobbed and squirmed. Jenny guessed Charles was simply prolonging her ordeal as she’d misbehaved. Jenny was glad she hadn’t earned this extra humiliation.

  “Get back on the bed, both of you. Your disobedience when I told you to get undressed has earned you further punishment. I’m going to teach you a very memorable lesson for not obeying me immediately. I really hope you learn your lesson and this type of punishment will never again be necessary. I’m not a cruel man, I take no pleasure in having to deal with you so harshly, but I believe your behaviour has made this course of action necessary.”

  Jenny cringed as she got back on the bed beside Hazel, into the same humiliating position as they’d received their enemas in.

  “Reach back and pull your cheeks apart.”

  Hazel and Jenny obeyed immediately and Jenny trembled in fear as she listened to the strap cracking against Hazel’s bottom hole, followed by Hazel’s cries of pain. It seemed to last forever as Charles was constantly telling Hazel to get back in position and to stop being such a big baby. Finally, after six smacks had stung Hazel’s bottom hole, Charles told her it was over and she collapsed to the bed sobbing, clutching her buttocks.

  Jenny closed her eyes and wished she could also close her ears to Hazel’s heart-rending sobbing. She held her buttocks apart, not wanting to anger Charles further, and gritted her teeth. The strap cracked down and she howled in pain, releasing her hold on her buttocks but quickly regaining her position, pulling her buttocks as far apart as possible. The sting was intense and she felt totally humiliated. She couldn’t believe she was naked, and in such a crude position where Charles could see everything.

  She sobbed as she recalled the humiliation of the ginger, since which her bottom hole still hadn’t stopped stinging, and the utter embarrassment of being given an enema. She whimpered as the strap landed on her tender bottom hole again and she wiggled her bottom in an attempt to stop the pain.

  “Will you ever use such vulgar language again Jenny?” Charles asked as he cracked the strap down on her bottom hole, causing Jenny to drop to the bed and release her hold on her cheeks as she squirmed desperately in an attempt to rid herself of the intense stinging. She was frustrated that rubbing did not alleviate the sting at all. The ginger had caused her bottom hole to sting and itch, the enema nozzle had uncomfortably stretched her anus, increasing the discomfort, and the strap was causing an unbearable burning sting. She sobbingly wished her ordeal would be over quickly.

  “No Sir,” she sobbed, remembering to answer his question and pushing her bottom out, parting her cheeks to expose her bottom hole to him once more. Tears rolled down her cheeks as Charles knelt on the edge of the bed and wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her towards him. Jenny howled as he held her firmly in position and cracked the strap vertically between her cheeks three times in quick succession, causing an intense burning pain that built with each stroke. As he released her, she dropped to the bed and sobbed, reaching back and rubbing her buttocks, trying desperately to relieve the stinging in her bottom hole.

  “Stay there. I’ll be back in a minute.”

  Jenny looked up and was relieved to see Charles smiling before he turned and left the room. Jenny nudged Hazel, who was still sobbing. “Calm down Hazel. It’s over now.” Hazel lifted her tear-stained face. “Do you think we can get dressed?”

  Jenny shook her head. “Not yet. We’d better wait.”

  A few minutes later Jenny looked over her shoulder as Charles re-entered the room, carrying some of their clothes. “I want you to get dressed and go out into the garden and a
pologise to Harry. See if he needs any help.”

  “Yes Sir,” they replied, grabbing their clothes and trying to get dressed as they lay face down on the bed. They were grateful when Charles turned his back and they quickly rose from the bed and dressed in the jeans and T-shirts he’d brought them. Jenny blushed as she pulled the tight jeans over her burning bottom. They seemed to intensify the sting and made her more aware of how humiliatingly she’d just been punished.

  As they approached Charles, with tears still running down their cheeks, he turned to face them and gathered them into his arms. “I’m sorry I had to be so hard on you.” Kissing them both, he put his arms around their shoulders and guided them to his bed, where he sat down and lowered them onto his thighs and wrapped an arm around each of them.

  Jenny looked at him and wiped away a tear. “I’m so sorry for my bad language Sir, and I’m sorry I didn’t obey you when you told us to get undressed and get onto the bed. I was so embarrassed Sir. I don’t ever want you to punish me like that again Sir. It was horrible.” Jenny’s tears started again as she buried her face against Charles’ shoulder.

  “The same goes for me Sir. I’m so sorry. I promise I’ll never make such a horrid punishment necessary again Sir. It was awful,” Hazel whined, as she too tried to hide her embarrassment from Charles.

  When Jenny’s tears finally stopped, she looked at Charles and kissed him on the cheek. “I love you very much Sir, and I understand why you had to punish us so hard.” Jenny blushed as Charles smiled and kissed her on the cheek. She was embarrassed beyond belief and she was still so sore, but she felt so much love for Charles. He only ever punished her for her own good and she knew this time had been no different.

  Jenny looked at Hazel and smiled at her. Hazel blushed as she turned to Charles. “I understand too Sir. I didn’t like it Sir, but I understand why you did it and I’m sorry too.” Hazel’s blush deepened as she lowered her eyes.