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The Highlander's Maiden Page 7
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Page 7
“I’m very disappointed in you,” he scolded, smacking his hand down firmly over her drawers as Colleen yelped and squirmed uncomfortably across his lap.
Harvey held her in position and waited patiently for her struggles to cease. When she finally lay still, he started to lecture her. “Colleen, I cannot condone you wandering off when I’ve given you an order not to. You will learn to obey me or you’ll be spanked every time you defy me,” he stated, grasping the flimsy drawers that covered her bottom and dragging them down to mid-thigh.
Colleen shrieked in horror. “No, you can’t do that,” she squealed. “You have no right to take my drawers down.”
“As your guardian, I have every right,” he told her, resting his hand on the centre of her bared buttocks.
“I promise I’ll be good,” Colleen cried out. Oh this has gone too far, she thought. He can’t spank my bare bottom. He just can’t. She raised her head and looked across to see Richard and Robert sat on the grass nearby, watching with amusement.
“No, make them go away,” she screamed. “They can’t watch. Make them go away.” Harvey cracked his hand down on her bare bottom, causing her to cry out once more. “Well stop putting on such a show for them. No wonder they’ve come to watch. I haven’t even started spanking you yet and you’re screaming like I’m killing you.”
Colleen kicked her legs once more. “Please don’t spank me, I’ll be good,” she begged. Harvey had heard enough and he took a firm grip around her waist, raised his hand and smacked the centre of her bottom hard, causing her to yelp in shock. “You will be good after this, young lady, or I’ll simply spank you every day until you do as you’re told.”
Colleen whimpered and kicked her legs as he continued to spank her bottom firmly, alternating his spanks from cheek to cheek. Colleen threw her head back and squealed as a sharp smack caught her thigh. She was horrified to see that Richard and Robert had stayed where they were and were smiling as they watched her getting her bare bottom soundly spanked. She struggled harder, begging Harvey to stop. “Please,” she yelled, “I’ve had enough. They’re still watching.”
Harvey stopped and glanced across at his men. He smiled, tightening his grip on her, lifting his knee to raise his target slightly and intensifying her spanking, raining down smacks hard and fast on her bottom as she kicked her legs hard. Her feet drummed on the wooden floor of the cart until Harvey pulled her forward so that her feet were clear of the floor and she kicked her legs desperately in mid-air, causing her drawers to fall to the floor. Colleen shrieked in humiliation.
Harvey took full advantage of her new position, which allowed him to continue the spanking down the back of her thighs until she was sobbing hysterically as she squirmed desperately to try and break free and end her torment.
Harvey eventually stopped spanking her bottom and thighs and lifted her to her feet, gripping her firmly by the wrist to stop her running away. “Go and finish dinner now, unless you want another spanking.” Colleen quickly shook her head and bent down to pick up her drawers, blushing as she picked the garment up from the floor.
As she bent forward, Harvey whipped up her dress and landed another hard smack on her bottom, causing her to shriek in pain and reach back to cover her injured buttocks. He snatched the undergarment from her hand. “You can have these back after dinner, if you learn how to behave yourself,” he told her, stuffing her drawers into his pocket.
Colleen looked at him desperately, tears rolling down her cheeks. She recalled her argument with Alroy, when he had provided her with her maid’s outfit and told her that posing as a maid she would not be required to wear drawers. She had finally won the argument as she had begged and pleaded, telling him she would feel uncomfortable not wearing them. Harvey and Alroy had eventually agreed with her that it was unlikely anyone would see that she was wearing undergarments and she was allowed to continue wearing them.
“Please Harvey,” she begged. “You can spank me again if you must, but please give me back my drawers. It isn’t proper for a lady to be without them.”
Harvey smiled as her blush deepened. “Colleen, if I knew that taking away your drawers would have such an effect on you, I would have done it sooner. Maybe if I’d tried this earlier you might not have put yourself in so much danger,” he said. “Now get on with dinner or I’ll take you back across my knee,” he warned.
Colleen pouted. She couldn’t believe he was being so cruel.
“Colleen, either you get down off this cart now and finish making dinner or I’ll spank you again and find something to pin the back of your dress up with so we can all see your bare red bottom while you prepare dinner. As we sit down to eat our meal, you can stand with your back to us, showing us the well spanked bottom of a very naughty girl.”
Colleen blushed as she carefully climbed down from the cart, rubbing her bottom and avoiding the gaze of Richard and Robert. She got on with dinner, grateful to have something to do, occasionally reaching back to rub her stinging buttocks. A little while later the four of them sat down to eat together.
Colleen was silent throughout their meal, shuffling uncomfortably on her still sore bottom. She glanced at Harvey occasionally, wondering if he was cruel enough to carry out his threat. That would be too humiliating, to make me eat dinner with my bare bottom exposed to their gaze, she thought, glancing down quickly when Harvey’s eyes locked on hers.
When they had finished eating, Richard and Robert disappeared and Colleen raised her head and looked shamefully at Harvey. “I’m sorry,” she whispered. Harvey held his arms out to her and Colleen fell into his embrace, clinging tightly to him. When she eventually loosened her grip on Harvey, he kissed her on the cheek and said he would clean up after dinner if she wanted to go and sit with Richard and Robert for a little while before bed. She shook her head.
Harvey smiled kindly. “Come on, I’ll even get them to give you a glass of mead, but just one,” he warned. “It’s strong stuff.” Colleen smiled and gripped his hand as he led her over to where his guards were drinking.
“Colleen’s going to join you for a little while,” he told them, “and any teasing and I’ll stop your rations of mead for the next month,” he warned. Richard and Robert frowned as Richard poured a glass of mead and handed it to Colleen. She lowered her eyes as she sat down with them and gratefully accepted the drink.
After sitting in silence for a little while, Richard took her hand. “Colleen, don’t be embarrassed. You misbehaved and you were punished. It’s over now. Just forget about it. We have,” he told her kindly.
Colleen glanced up at him and couldn’t help smiling as he held his arms out to her and smiled brightly. Seconds later Colleen was sat on Richard’s lap, hugging him.
Richard held her close and whispered words of comfort to her and she nodded in agreement when he told her that Harvey cared for her and was just trying to keep her safe.
As Harvey came over a little while later and told Colleen it was time for bed, she kissed Richard and Robert goodnight. “I’m sorry about my behaviour,” she whispered, before taking Harvey’s hand and letting him lead her to the cart, where he handed her drawers back to her. She blushed as she took them from him, throwing her arms around him and apologising once more.
“It still stings, especially on my legs,” she whimpered. Harvey kissed her cheek softly. “It’s supposed to Colleen. It might make you think twice before disobeying me in future.”
Colleen nodded and lay down on the floor of the cart, not bothering to replace her drawers, and she lay in her bed with her dress raised, the cool night air soothing her tender thighs and bottom.
As Harvey went to check on her later, he smiled, covering her with a blanket. “Goodnight,” he whispered, kissing her on the cheek, grateful that she had been well behaved since her spanking.
Chapter Seven
The next day they travelled further north to Inverness. Colleen had been very grateful when none of them mentioned her spanking when they got up and ate breakfast
As they reached Inverness, Harvey told Colleen she was doing really well and he was so proud of her trading skills. She smiled happily and hugged him tight.
“Be a good girl,” he warned her, causing her to blush once more.
Colleen nodded and trotted off, making sure she stayed within sight of Harvey or one of his men as she successfully traded bottles of mead for fruit, vegetables and meat for dinner. She also got several coins which she proudly handed to Harvey.
After dinner, Harvey pulled Colleen onto his lap. “We’re going to head back to Oban tomorrow. We’ll make a few stops along the way then we’ll rest up for a few days before heading back to the North-east of England. We’ll pass through Northumbria again, maybe stopping there for a few days, and I’ll take you down to the Cleveland Hills. You’ll love it there.”
Kissing her softly on the cheek, he stroked her hair tenderly. “We can’t go to Ireland just yet, it’s too soon,” he explained, “but maybe in a few months we’ll go and see Kaitlyn and Alroy. Maybe then it’ll be safe for you to return for good.”
Colleen smiled brightly. She was missing her sister so much, but she understood it was too dangerous to return home just yet. As Harvey put her to bed, she kissed him goodnight. “Thank you,” she whispered. “I love being with you and I don’t mind if I have to stay a bit longer.”
Harvey smiled back at her. “It’s a pleasure having you with us. We’ll certainly miss you when you’re gone,” he told her truthfully.
The next morning they had breakfast and headed towards Oban. They stopped several times along the way to trade with the passing travellers. As they were a couple of hours away from Oban, with nightfall slowly creeping in, Harvey said they would stop for the night soon and continue to Oban in the morning.
Colleen picked up the book of Irish fairy stories that William had given her when she had first arrived in Scotland. She kept it close at hand and looked at it every day. The pages were looking slightly dog-eared, but Colleen loved it. She was just settling down to read when the cart came to an abrupt halt.
Colleen looked up and saw a small group of men who Harvey, Richard and Robert were trying to reason with.
She suspected they had crossed the path of a band of English soldiers heading for home. They seemed in high spirits and Colleen correctly guessed that they were returning home victorious after winning yet another small battle as the English sought to take over the entire British Isles. Heeding Harvey’s warnings to always stay out of sight if there was trouble, Colleen slunk down onto the floor of the cart and hoped the trouble would pass soon.
Unfortunately for Colleen, one of the English mercenaries spotted her and headed towards her. “What do we have here?” he said, grinning lecherously at her.
Harvey approached and blocked his path. “No, leave her alone, she’s just my serving girl.”
The man’s grin widened. “We’ve spent a long time in battle. What better way to celebrate our victory than by having a bit of fun with this wench,” he said crudely, stepping past Harvey, reaching out towards Colleen and stroking her hair. Colleen flinched away. “No,” she whimpered.
The mercenary turned to face Harvey. “Give us the girl and you can go on your way,” he said menacingly.
Harvey shook his head and looked at Colleen, desperately trying to come up with a solution. He and his two men would be no match for this small army of English soldiers. They wouldn’t last a minute against them. Harvey knew the soldiers would take Colleen as soon as they had disposed of Harvey and his guards and he had to stop that happening.
Harvey smiled and put his arm around the man’s shoulders. “Well done on your victory,” he falsely congratulated him. Harvey was not about to let these men have their way with Colleen and he thought he might just have the solution.
“I have the finest mead in all of Britain and I’d be happy to share it with you. Believe me, you don’t want the girl, she’s too much trouble,” he said kindly, steering the man away from her.
The Englishman suddenly pulled away and turned to face Colleen, reaching out and grasping her hand, tugging her down from the cart. Colleen stumbled, but managed to stay on her feet.
“We’ll take the girl too,” he laughed, pushing her towards his men, who groped at her as she squealed.
“Richard, Robert, get the men some liquor,” Harvey ordered, as he gripped Colleen by the arm and pulled her roughly away from the men. Her eyes were wide with fear and although Harvey did not want to hurt her, he needed to get her away from these men and he was a little rougher than he had intended to be. Tears pricked her eyes and Harvey glanced away from her.
“Believe me, you don’t want to have anything to do with her,” he said, looking back at her with disgust. “She was given to me to pay a debt but I soon found out that the poor girl’s riddled with syphilis. It turns out she’s a former whore and is infected with this terrible disease after spending many years in the whore house. Poor wench, she’s no use to anyone,” he sighed, “but she works hard so I’ve allowed her to stay with me.”
The mercenaries looked at Colleen with disgust and one of the men spat towards her. “Dirty bitch, get back in your box.” The others laughed and accepted the mead from Richard and Robert.
Tears rolled down Colleen’s cheeks as she glared angrily at Harvey, who laughed along with them. “Yes, get back in your box wench,” he ordered, throwing her a sympathetic look as he turned his back on the men. Harvey was about to whisper reassurance to Colleen and apologise for his behaviour when he was taken off guard by a stinging slap to his cheek.
“You bastard,” she yelled. “Why are you saying such spiteful things about me?” she demanded. Harvey shook his head sadly.
“Richard, bring me some ropes. I can see we’re going to need to tie her up and gag her again. Sorry about this,” he said, turning to the mercenaries who were quickly polishing off his mead. “She suffers from insanity, due to her disease. It’s unfortunate you’ve had to see her like this. It’s a real shame,” he said, taking the rope from Richard and binding her hands tightly behind her back. “She’s a lovely girl, but this disease does terrible things to her at times.”
As Colleen continued to shout and swear, he reluctantly gagged her, leading her back to the cart and helping her up onto the seat. “Colleen, I’m trying to keep you safe,” he whispered. “I’m sorry.”
Colleen’s eyes flashed with anger as he left her and went to join the English men, who were rapidly feeling the effects of his liquor.
Harvey sat and chatted to them, telling them how Colleen would often foam at the mouth during her outbursts. “It would be kinder to put her into an asylum, but despite everything I’ve grown to love her,” he admitted to the men.
“The poor girl is covered in sores which we have to tend to, and they’re so painful my two guards have to hold her down while I administer treatment,” he explained, watching the men who were initially full of bravado now getting up and edging away as they visibly paled.
“Thank you for your hospitality,” the one who appeared to be in charge slurred as they backed away. “We’ll be on our way now,” he said, gathering his men and staggering away, taking with them as much of Harvey’s mead as they could carry.
Harvey waited a little while to make sure the men had gone. When they were sure it was safe, they loaded the cart back up and continued on their way. When he was sure the Englishmen were long gone, Harvey untied Colleen’s hands and removed the gag, wrapping his arms around her. “I’m sorry Colleen, but I needed to keep you safe. Do you understand?”
Colleen struggled to break free and glared at him accusingly. “You called me a whore!” she shouted angrily.
“Colleen, I needed to say something to keep you safe. They would have taken you otherwise.”
Colleen scowled. “My father would never have called me a whore, nor would Alroy. I want to go home now,” she demanded angrily, tears pricking her eyes.
Harvey sighed and gripped her upp
er arm. “Colleen, I said what I did to protect you from those men. If I did not do what I did, they would have all raped you and probably killed you. I would say anything to prevent that happening to you,” he added softly. “I was trying to protect you. You must understand that.”
Tears leaked from Colleen’s eyes. She raised her hand and Harvey caught her wrist. “Oh no, young lady, you slapped me once and I’m prepared to let that go, but do it again and I’ll make you very sorry.”
Colleen scowled angrily.
“Colleen,” he sighed. “Your feisty nature will get you killed.”
“No,” she snapped, “you’ll get me killed. You put me in danger by telling them I’m a whore.”
Colleen shouted and screamed defiantly at Harvey, refusing to listen to him, and eventually he ordered Richard and Robert to stop the cart.
“I need to have a word with Colleen,” he told them. “We might as well stop for the night.”
Richard and Robert obeyed their boss’s instructions and tethered the horses before setting up their beds under the cart and helping themselves to a bottle of liquor. As they settled down, passing the bottle between them, Harvey grasped Colleen by the wrist and headed towards a fallen log where he sat down and dragged her across his lap. Colleen kicked and screamed as he yanked her skirts up and lowered her drawers.
“There are bad people out there,” he scolded as he bared her bottom, “and if you don’t get wise to the ways of the world you will end up getting yourself killed. I need you to listen to me, and it seems the only time you listen is when you’re getting your bare bottom smacked,” he said, cracking his hand down on her naked flesh.
Colleen squirmed across his lap, crying out in pain as he cracked his hand down relentlessly against her bare bottom, rapidly reddening her buttocks and upper thighs. Harvey lectured as he spanked, before finally stopping and helping her to her feet.