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The Highlander's Maiden Page 4

  Colleen wanted to go downstairs but for once she listened to her younger sister’s warning. “Colleen, haven’t you made him angry enough today? Aren’t you in enough trouble?”

  Colleen blushed and agreed to wait patiently with Kaitlyn. They tried to hear what was being said in the kitchen, but they could only hear muffled voices.

  A few minutes later Alroy called them downstairs. They were thrilled to see it was only Harvey back from his trading around Ireland. Both greeted him with a hug and he smiled sadly as he kissed Colleen on the head. “You silly girl,” he whispered, causing Colleen to blush. “What on earth were you thinking of? Will you never learn to do as you’re told?” he asked.

  “Harvey has agreed to take you with him,” Alroy told Colleen, who had lowered her head in humiliation in response to Harvey’s questions. “He’s heading back to Scotland tonight and you’ll go with him and pose as a servant girl. It’ll be safer for you over there.”

  “Can Kaitlyn come too?” asked Colleen, pulling a face at the thought of pretending to be a servant girl. She was used to being waited on in their small castle back in Ramelton. She did not relish the idea of even pretending to be someone so lowly. Also she did not want to be separated from her sister. Alroy shook his head sadly. “I’m sorry. There’s only room for four people in Harvey’s boat.”

  Colleen looked to Harvey pleadingly. “I’m sorry Colleen, that’s the truth,” he said sadly. “My boat only seats four. There’s no way that five could fit in without real danger of capsizing on the rough sea from Ireland to Scotland. It gets pretty choppy out there and I wouldn’t dare to risk it. I could never forgive myself if anything happened to either of you because of my carelessness. Also, my cart back in Scotland only seats four people. Richard and Robert ride up front, and I’ll ride behind with you. I’m sorry but there really is no room for Kaitlyn. If we could take her with us, I would.”

  Colleen nodded understandingly. She knew that Harvey would not lie to her and that if he was able to take them both, he would.

  Colleen turned to Alroy and tearfully pleaded with him not to let Harvey take her away at all, promising that she would never disobey orders again. Alroy shook his head and insisted this was the only way to keep Colleen safe and well. “I promise it will only be for a little while,” he told her. “Once the soldiers fail to find you, they’ll give up and head back to England, then you can come home.”

  Alroy then took Colleen firmly by the arm and led her upstairs to change into clothing more suitable for her new life. Colleen wept as he demanded she remove her beautiful frock and instead put on the rags of a servant girl.

  Kaitlyn sat downstairs and when the unmistakeable sounds of a hard spanking filled the room, she covered her face with her hands and sobbed. Harvey sat beside her and pulled her into his arms.

  Kaitlyn lifted her head and smiled weakly at the smartly dressed English man who gently wiped away her tears with his handkerchief. Harvey had visited their home on a fairly regular basis, bringing the girls gifts from across the seas. They loved hearing his stories of his travels, but today’s visit was entirely different. This time he had come to take Colleen away. Kaitlyn flung herself into his arms and sobbed.

  “Why can’t the other English be more like you?” she asked, sitting up and looking intently into his kind face. Harvey smiled and kissed her softly on the cheek. “There are horrible people in all walks of life, Kaitlyn. Not all of the English are murderers and rapists. Those so-called soldiers make me ashamed to call myself English.”

  Kaitlyn nodded and allowed him to hold her, as Colleen’s cries from the room above became louder and more anguished. It was clear from Colleen’s shrieks of pain that Alroy had switched to using her hairbrush now, and the spanking was clearly being given to her bare bottom, with some considerable force. The sharp cracks of the heavy wooden hairbrush against Colleen’s bottom echoed around the house and Colleen’s cries caused Kaitlyn to hug Harvey tighter.

  “I know she deserves it,” she whispered to Harvey, “and I really do hope it hurts because she should have listened to me then we wouldn’t be in this mess. I can’t believe you’re taking her away. I hope Alroy will let us spend a little time together before you leave,” she pleaded.

  “I’m sure he will,” Harvey sighed as he held her tightly against his chest. “I don’t want to split you girls up either, but there really is no other option,” he whispered apologetically.

  Kaitlyn nodded. “I understand,” she said, as the spanking upstairs finally stopped.

  A few minutes later a red-faced Colleen entered the room, clutching Alroy’s hand as she begged him not to send her away. Kaitlyn was visibly shocked at her sister’s clothing. “Alroy, why have you dressed Colleen in something so awful?” she asked with horror. “It makes my beautiful sister look downtrodden.”

  Colleen looked anxiously at Alroy and he took her in his arms. “It doesn’t look that bad,” he reassured her. “You’re still beautiful, but you’ll be less conspicuous in this. Remember you’re only going away for a little while, to keep you safe.” He put his hand under her chin and tipped her face upwards, forcing her to look at him. “Colleen, you’ve been punished for misbehaving, at your own request,” he reminded her.

  Kaitlyn’s eyes widened. “My sister has never asked for a spanking in her life. She does anything she can to avoid them,” she said.

  “Shut up, Kaitlyn,” snapped Colleen. “I thought Alroy might change his mind about sending me away if I showed him how sorry I was.”

  Alroy sighed and sat down, pulling Colleen onto his lap. “Sending you away is not a punishment. I’m doing it to keep you safe. I wish there was another way but I can’t risk the English finding you here,” he said calmly, tucking her hair behind her ears.

  “I love you, Colleen,” he whispered. “I care for you a great deal, for both of you,” he added, glancing across at Kaitlyn. “You’re the daughters I never had. I made a promise to your father to keep you both safe and I intend to do just that.”

  Kaitlyn looked at her sister’s tear stained cheeks and watched her sister frantically rubbing her bottom. Kaitlyn jumped up and ran over to Colleen, wrapping her arms around her and consoling her.

  Alroy smiled and told them to go upstairs for a little while. He said they would need to leave when it got dark but he allowed them to spend their last few hours together. Kaitlyn sat down behind her sister and slowly brushed out her hair before braiding it carefully. Colleen smiled as Kaitlyn added her sister’s favourite red ribbons into the ends of the two braids.

  Colleen looked in the mirror and smiled at her reflection, before getting up and twirling in front of the full-length mirror. She scowled at her dowdy clothes and looked enviously at her younger sister’s pretty pink and white dress.

  “This is so ugly,” she told Kaitlyn, who shook her head.

  “It looks beautiful on you,” Kaitlyn lied, “as does everything you wear. I was just shocked earlier when I saw it, but now I’ve got used to seeing you in it it’s not too bad. I know it isn’t as fancy as the clothes we’re used to wearing, but it’ll help keep you safe. Please do as Harvey tells you and don’t put yourself in any more danger. I’m longing for the day when we can be together again. Please don’t jeopardise that by being foolish,” Kaitlyn begged.

  Colleen smiled. Her little sister talked so much sense for one so young. Colleen nodded. “OK, I’ll behave myself, just for you,” she smiled.

  As the door opened and Alroy stepped into the room, Colleen and Kaitlyn clung to each other and sobbed. “I’m so sorry,” wailed Colleen, “I’m sorry I put us all in danger.”

  Alroy took Colleen by the hand, pulling her away from her sister. “I know you are sorry and I wish there was another way. You’re not being sent away as a punishment, I need you to know that, it’s for your own safety, I promise. Do you understand?”

  Colleen nodded sadly.

  “I’m sorry girls,” Alroy said regretfully, “but it’s time to say goodbye.�

  Kaitlyn sobbed miserably as she threw her arms around Colleen. “Be safe,” she cried, as Alroy pulled Colleen away and led her downstairs. They went outside and watched Harvey load her things onto his cart, where his guards Richard and Robert sat quietly waiting, before a reluctant Colleen climbed up beside Harvey and waved as they set off towards the shore where they were to sail overnight into Scotland.

  “They’ll be safer there,” Alroy whispered to Kaitlyn. “It’s the last place the English will think of looking for Colleen.”

  Kaitlyn begged to be allowed to go to the shore and wave her sister off but Alroy refused, saying it was too risky. It broke his heart when Kaitlyn screamed and tried to run after the cart. He caught her around the waist and picked her up, holding her as she kicked her legs frantically, desperately trying to go after them.

  “Let me go,” she screamed, as the cart disappeared out of view. “Let me go.”

  Alroy held onto her, tears rolling down his cheeks as she tired herself out and slumped to the floor. Alroy knelt behind her and held her close to him. “Come on, let’s get you inside,” he whispered, getting up from the floor, taking her hand and pulling her to her feet.

  “I hate you,” Kaitlyn screamed at him, turning away and running into the house and up to her room, where she threw herself onto her bed and sobbed loudly.

  Alroy sat outside her room, desperately wanting to go in and console her but not wanting to upset her further. When her crying eventually stopped, Alroy opened the door and slipped quietly into her bedroom. She lay on her side, facing the door, and although she was finally sleeping, she had a pained expression on her face which saddened Alroy.

  “I’m sorry sweetheart,” he whispered. “I wish there had been another way. I promise I’ll look after you and I swear that Harvey will keep your sister safe. If it’s the last thing I do, you and your sister will be reunited again, one day, hopefully soon.”

  Kaitlyn murmured in her sleep and Alroy touched her cheek gently. When she stirred once more he stepped away before leaning down and placing a gentle kiss on her cheek. “Goodnight Kaitlyn, sleep tight,” he whispered affectionately, before walking quietly towards the door.

  He glanced across at the empty bed where Colleen had slept, and prayed that soon he would be kissing both girls goodnight once more.

  As Alroy closed the door behind him and bitterly regretted having to send Colleen away, knowing that it would break the sisters’ hearts to be separated so soon after their father’s death, Harvey was having his own troubles persuading Colleen to get into the boat.

  “We have to leave now,” he urged, “There really isn’t time for this.”

  “Why can’t my sister come with us,” Colleen pleaded. “You could take both of us with you, couldn’t you? We could easily fit five of us in this boat.”

  Harvey shook his head. “I’m sorry Colleen, get in the boat now. I’ve already explained why it isn’t safe to take five people. We must leave now. Please get in the boat,” he urged in exasperation.

  Richard took Colleen’s hand and stressed how urgent it was that they left immediately. He eventually, after a lot of coaxing, persuaded her to get into the boat, which greatly relieved Harvey.

  As the boat pulled away from the shore of Lough Swilly and slowly headed across the water towards Scotland, Colleen sobbed bitterly as she left her beloved Ireland - and her much loved sister Kaitlyn - behind. Colleen wept harder as she realised this would be the first night she had spent apart from her baby sister since the night Kaitlyn had been born, and also it would be the first time she had ever left Ireland.

  In the past Colleen had always been quick to blame others for her own failings, always trying to shift the blame from herself, but this time she realised this could all have been avoided if only she’d heeded Alroy’s warning to stay inside, and listened to her sister’s repeated warnings to remember Alroy’s words. Turning to Harvey, she threw herself into his arms, clinging to him desperately.

  “I’m sorry,” she wailed. “This is my fault.” Harvey wrapped his arms around her and held her tight. “Hush, everything will be fine, you’ll see your sister again before you know it. I’ll keep you safe and I have no doubt that Alroy will keep Kaitlyn safe too.”

  Colleen nodded but her tears continued to flow. “Why couldn’t I listen to Alroy when he told me not to leave the house? Why didn’t I listen to him and I’d still be at home with Kaitlyn. I’m so sorry,” she wailed, her body trembling in Harvey’s arms as he tried desperately to console the unhappy young woman.

  Harvey sighed and held her close. He was extremely relieved when Colleen eventually fell asleep in his arms and it was in this position she woke the next morning as they arrived in Scotland.

  As Colleen took in her new scenery, she once again broke down in tears. “Oh what have I done, I want Kaitlyn.” I’m so sorry Kaitlyn. I’m sorry I let you down and left you all alone. I swear I’ll come back for you, I swear, she promised.

  Harvey gave her a reassuring hug. “She’ll be fine, she isn’t alone, she’s with Alroy, and maybe without your bad influence she might actually go more than a week without getting a smacked bottom,” he teased, trying to lighten the tense atmosphere.

  Colleen glared at Harvey but when she saw his big smile she hugged him and smiled. Kaitlyn was a sensible girl and Colleen knew she would be safe, but she was going to miss her dreadfully. Taking Harvey’s hand, she took her first tentative steps onto Scottish soil.

  Chapter Four

  “Good morning, miss,” a broad Scottish accent greeted Colleen. “Good morning Harvey, I didn’t know you were bringing a wee lassie with you, and a very pretty one she is too, if I may say so.”

  Colleen couldn’t help smiling at the short, stocky man with a big bushy ginger beard and wild ginger hair. “You’re wearing a dress!” she grinned.

  “Colleen, don’t be so rude,” scolded Harvey.

  The man’s smile widened, showing he had very few teeth, as he stepped towards the small group and took Colleen’s hand, bending forward to gently press his lips against the back of it.

  “Welcome to Scotland, Miss Colleen,” he greeted her. “You’ll be seeing a lot of men in ‘dresses’ around these parts, but you might want to learn the real name for it as most men don’t take kindly to their kilts being called such a thing.”

  Colleen blushed. “I beg your pardon,” she said. “Your kilt is very pretty,” she added, admiring the brightly coloured garment that was mainly yellow with many bright flecks of various colours covering it. The man’s smile became even bigger. “I don’t think many Scottish warriors will take too kindly to being told their kilt is pretty either,” he grinned, taking Colleen’s bag from her.

  “Colleen, this is William,” Harvey told her. “He looks after my cart and my horses when I head over to Ireland, keeping everything safe until I return. He also ensures the cart is well stocked for me to go trading. We make the finest mead in all of the British Isles and while I’m travelling and selling our wares, William is back home making sure I have further supplies on my return. I have bases here in Oban and also in Edinburgh, where William stores our mead so I can re-stock as and when necessary.”

  William took their bags and led them through a clearing to the cart. “The cart’s all loaded and ready for you to go, Harvey, but will young Miss Colleen be travelling with you or do you need me to take her somewhere for you?” he asked.

  “Colleen will be travelling with us,” Harvey explained, telling William about events in Ireland that had caused Colleen to have to flee to Scotland with them.

  Colleen’s eyes filled with tears as she thought about Kaitlyn once more.

  “Hey, no tears,” the kind man said, putting an arm comfortingly around Colleen’s shoulders. “Come with me and let’s see if I have something that might put a smile on your pretty little face.”

  Colleen dried her eyes and took William’s hand, allowing him to lead her around to the other side of the cart where he took a b
ag down and rummaged through it until he found what he wanted.

  “Ah, here it is, I knew I had this somewhere,” he said, smiling brightly as he produced a book of Irish fairy tales. “It’s probably designed for younger children, but I thought it might remind you of home,” he told her, smiling fondly at the young woman.

  Colleen’s eyes lit up with delight as she took the book from him and flicked through the pages. “My Daddy used to read this to me when I was a little girl. As Harvey just told you, he died recently,” she added sadly, a tear trickling down her cheek. “I’ll treasure this forever, thank you so much,” she said, hugging the book to her chest as she leaned forward to kiss the kind Scotsman on the cheek.

  William’s ruddy cheeks flushed redder as Colleen kissed him and he brushed away the tear that trickled slowly down her cheek before he effortlessly lifted her up into the cart. Harvey climbed up beside her and put his arm around her, smiling as she flicked through her new book. Robert and Richard briefly chatted with William before climbing onto the front seat of the cart and taking the reins.

  As they set off, Colleen waved to William and then glanced back across the water in the direction of Ireland. See you soon, Kaitlyn, she thought. Colleen bitterly regretted her behaviour that had led her to be parted from the only family she had left in the world.

  “I’m so sorry,” she whispered, wrapping her arms around Harvey. Feeling utterly helpless, Harvey held her, whispering to her that everything would be OK.

  As Colleen reluctantly set off from Oban on her enforced travels, she thought constantly about her sister, wondering what she might be doing. She refused to help out with the cooking or trading, preferring to sit alone in the cart and dwell on her mistakes that had led her to being taken across the sea to Scotland. Harvey allowed her to sulk, understanding that she missed her sister and would take time to adapt to her new lifestyle.