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The Charles Smith Academy Page 10

  They nodded immediately.

  “As it’s late I think it’s time we all got to bed and got some sleep. I think it would be a good idea if you both slept here tonight, in your own rooms, and if you want to move into the cottage we can sort that out tomorrow. It’s a shame I couldn’t give you it as a gift on Christmas Day as I’d planned, but it’s still yours if you want it.”

  Both girls nodded and ran up the stairs, kissing each other passionately before going into their separate rooms. Charles went to bed and as soon as he closed his eyes he heard a door open and close, then seconds later another door slowly opened. He laughed quietly.

  Hazel crept into Jenny’s room and climbed in bed beside her, covering her neck with soft kisses. “Jenny, are you awake?”

  Jenny rolled over to face her. “Yes, I was hoping you might come in. I wanted to come to your room, but I didn’t want to push things too quickly. I really am very sorry I hurt you. I love you so much.”

  Hazel smiled as she kissed Jenny. “I love you too. I won’t pretend I wasn’t hurt, but I love you too much to throw what we have away. As Charles said, you never know when fate might cruelly snatch away your happiness.”

  Hazel lay in the darkness, wrapping her arms around Jenny. She wanted to go to Charles, to see if he was OK, but she desperately wanted to make love to Jenny. She’d missed her so much. She guessed this once Charles wouldn’t mind her being selfish.

  Hazel ran her hands over Jenny’s body, pulling her nightdress up and over her head before removing her own. She pulled Jenny on top of her, kissing her and reaching round to squeeze her buttocks. Jenny whimpered and Hazel guessed why as her own bottom was stinging intensely. Hazel raised her hips, grinding her pussy against Jenny’s, pulling her close and kissing her deeply.

  “Jenny, I want to reclaim you as my own,” Hazel gasped breathlessly. “I need to do it.”

  Jenny continued to kiss her, running her hands over Hazel’s body. Hazel sighed contentedly as she enjoyed the feel of her bare flesh against Jenny’s. She really had missed her.

  Hazel had always been the submissive one, but now she wanted to take charge. “Jenny, I need to reclaim you as mine.”

  Jenny sat up. “Hazel, I’ll do anything to win you back. What is it you want me to do?”

  Hazel smiled. “Jenny, you don’t need to win me back, you’ve got me for keeps, but I can’t help feeling jealous of Paul. He wanted to make love to you in a way I physically can’t. I believe you when you say you didn’t let him, but I want to do that to you, I guess to show him, and any other man, that you’re mine and they can’t touch you.”

  Hazel blushed as she heard Jenny swallow hard. Jenny was always the dominant one in bed, the one who took control of their lovemaking and thrust a strap-on cock deep into Hazel’s pussy, and sometimes her bottom too. Hazel loved it, but tonight she had a strong desire to take Jenny in this way. She was a little confused and embarrassed by her strong desire to claim ownership of Jenny.

  “OK,” Jenny whispered, “but please be gentle.”

  Hazel smiled as she reached into Jenny’s bedside drawer and took out the strap-on cock. She was used to fastening this on to Jenny, knowing that it would soon be stretching her holes, but tonight she clumsily attached it to herself, fumbling with the strap which she normally quickly fastened around Jenny. She could hear Jenny breathing deeply as she knelt between her legs and buried her face in her pussy, lapping hungrily at her juices. She guessed despite Jenny’s slight reluctance, she too was aroused.

  Hazel got on top of Jenny, leaning down to chew gently on her nipples, her strap-on brushing against Jenny’s pussy. When Jenny began thrusting her hips upwards, Hazel stopped and guided her fake cock between Jenny’s legs. Jenny gasped as Hazel thrust hard inside her. Hazel had intended to gently make love to her, but she was suddenly overcome with a desire to take her hard. She laid still, her strap-on cock thrust deep into Jenny’s pussy, as she savoured the feeling of knowing that Jenny was filled with the large phallus between her legs. Hazel started to thrust hard as she kissed Jenny passionately.

  Jenny seemed to be approaching orgasm and Hazel stopped, pulling away from her and crawling up the bed. “Suck it,” Hazel ordered. She was pleased when Jenny leaned forward and started to run her tongue around the cock between her legs and she almost orgasmed herself as she watched Jenny take it into her mouth and slide her lips up and down the shaft, tasting her own juices. Hazel wondered if she’d had much practice at this and immediately pushed the thought out of her mind. She didn’t want anything to spoil tonight.

  Reaching over she turned the bedside lamp on and watched Jenny shield her eyes before continuing to perform a blow job on their sex toy. Hazel played with her own nipples and felt them harden as she watched Jenny. After a few minutes she moved away.

  “Jenny, I’ve claimed two of your holes, now for the final one, which I’ll admit is the hardest and will probably hurt. I love you so much and I really hope you love me too.”

  Hazel watched Jenny’s face, the fear of anal sex registering in her eyes. She could tell she was torn as Hazel knew she loved her and wanted to get back to normal. Hazel wondered if they would ever get back to how things were, if swapping roles was something she needed to do tonight only to reclaim her lover, or whether their roles would change permanently. She smiled as Jenny sat up, wiped away a tear and kissed her gently.

  “I love you Hazel. I’m so sorry I hurt you and I’ll do anything to win you back. Please don’t hurt me.”

  Hazel kissed her softly. “I love you too. I could never hurt you. If you trust me, I want you up on all fours on the bed.”

  Jenny nodded as she got into position. Hazel’s pussy throbbed as she looked at Jenny’s well punished bottom. She couldn’t resist spanking her sharply and she giggled with delight as Jenny squealed.

  Hazel put her hand on Jenny’s back, pushing her upper body down towards the bed, her bottom sticking up into the air. She parted her cheeks and inserted her tongue, licking her gently. She considered getting some lubricant, but the strap-on was wet from Jenny’s pussy and mouth. She was scared by her own desperation to get this over with as she pressed the strap-on slowly against Jenny’s bottom hole, stroking her back gently and reassuring her as she whimpered, then slowly and carefully thrusting and watching in amazement as the large cock disappeared inch by inch into Jenny’s widely stretched bottom hole.

  When she was fully in, she started to thrust hard, her head filled with the pain Jenny had caused her. She was so caught up in her own thoughts, she was shocked when she heard Jenny sobbing gently and she immediately stopped.

  “I’m sorry Jenny, calm down, I’ll take it out.”

  “No, don’t, I was just thinking how much I’ve hurt you and I’m so sorry. Please don’t stop.”

  Hazel continued to thrust into Jenny’s bottom hard, reaching round to finger her clit. Almost immediately Jenny cried out in orgasm and Hazel quickly pulled out, removed the strap-on and threw it to the floor. She lay with Jenny, hugging and kissing her. As soon as Jenny was calm she knelt between Hazel’s legs and brought her to orgasm with her tongue and fingers.

  As they lay side by side, Jenny asked: “Am I forgiven?”

  Hazel looked at her thoughtfully. “Yes.”

  Jenny sighed. “God my bottom hurts, and I don’t just mean where Charles spanked me.” Hazel grinned and kissed her softly.

  Jenny leaned across and whispered in Hazel’s ear. Jenny got up, opened the door, turned on the light and put her nightdress on as Hazel did the same.

  Meanwhile Charles was woken by the door opening and got up to investigate. Jenny’s door was wide open and the light was on. Hazel was sitting on a chair in the middle of the room with Jenny bare bottomed across her knee. Hazel’s hand smacked down on Jenny’s bottom, causing her to squeal. “Ouch, not so hard please Hazel. I’m so sorry. I’ll be a good girl.”

  “Don’t be such a big baby. This is nothing to the spanking you’re going to get when those
cane marks have gone. I’m willing to take you back but things are going to change. If ever you displease me I’m going to smack your bottom hard until you’re sorry. You’ll certainly be sleeping on your tummy tonight when I’ve finished with you.”

  “I’m already sorry Hazel, and I’m really sore. Please stop.”

  Charles stepped into the room and spoke sternly. “Hazel, you’d do well to listen to Jenny, unless you want another spanking yourself.”

  Jenny raised her head and sighed loudly, rolling her eyes. “Sir, we’re role playing. I asked Hazel to spank me because I feel guilty for leaving. You’re spoiling it.”

  Charles shook his head as he laughed. “In that case I’m going out to the cottage for the night as I doubt I’ll get any sleep in here.”

  Hazel smacked Jenny sharply on the bottom. “Stop wriggling, you naughty girl. Sir, there’s no need for you to do that. We can stop if you want.”

  Charles smiled. “No, it’s OK Hazel. You carry on. I’ll see you in the morning. Give her a few smacks from me for disturbing my sleep. Goodnight.”

  “Goodnight Sir,” shouted Hazel and Jenny.

  Charles smiled as he headed down the stairs, the sounds of spanking and giggling following him. It was great to have a happy home again. He sincerely hoped it would last a bit longer this time.

  Chapter Seven

  JENNY lay on her back, breathless from the hot sex she’d just enjoyed with Hazel. She was glad she’d come home and delighted with Charles’ wonderful gift. They had privacy in their cottage and their sex life was amazing. After only a week there, Jenny was exhausted. She smiled at Hazel, who looked equally as shattered.

  Hazel looked up and smiled. “Jenny, I love you.”

  “I love you too,” Jenny replied, cuddling up to her.

  “I suppose we’d better get up soon, go and sort breakfast out before Charles comes looking for us,” said Hazel, snuggling into Jenny.

  Jenny nodded. “Yes, we certainly don’t want a spanking for keeping him waiting.”

  “Do you realise Jenny, in the past week we haven’t been spanked once?”

  Jenny sighed. “Maybe you haven’t, but I certainly have. Charles hasn’t spanked me, which is surprising. I wonder if now we’re living in a place of our own he’s decided not to punish us like children anymore. Unfortunately Judge Walker spanked me for missing work the day I came home, even though Charles had phoned him to let him know I wouldn’t be in. I got a second spanking from the judge, with a large wooden paddle, for lying to him when I’d told him I’d been visiting you and Charles. That really hurt, physically and emotionally.”

  Hazel wrapped her arms around her as Jenny kissed her softly on the lips. She loved Hazel so much and couldn’t believe she’d almost thrown it all away. Paul had been right too, her friends were mainly very supportive about her being gay.

  Jenny pouted and looked at Hazel. “You spanked me too, our first night here. You used your hairbrush and it hurt.”

  Hazel kissed her softly. “You asked me to do that, Jenny. It made us both feel much better.”

  Jenny nodded. She was pleased their roles had now reverted back and Hazel was once more the submissive one in their relationship. Jenny had enjoyed the sex when they got back together, but she was much more comfortable in a dominant role.

  Jenny reluctantly let go of Hazel when a loud knock at the door disturbed their peaceful morning. The sound of Charles’ angry voice as Hazel opened the door didn’t bode well and Jenny sensibly stayed in bed.

  “What on earth is all this mess? When I gave you your own place I expected you to keep it clean and tidy.” Jenny cringed when she heard a sharp slap followed by a squeal. As the sounds of spanking continued she guessed he’d taken Hazel across his knee. As he spanked her, he lectured her on the state of the cottage. Jenny hoped he didn’t come into the bedroom as it was even worse in there with dirty clothes laid everywhere. She guessed there was a fair amount of dirty clothes strewn around the living room too as they seemed to rip each others’ clothes off at every opportunity.

  Jenny chewed her lip nervously as the spanking went on for a long time. She climbed out of bed and straightened her pyjamas, readying herself for a trip across Charles’ knee. She was relieved to hear Hazel’s spanking stop, but confused when the front door slammed loudly. She’d been almost certain that she would be spanked too. Maybe Charles was holding Hazel responsible as she was his housekeeper. Jenny went into the living room and was surprised to find both Charles and Hazel had gone.

  Jenny contemplated going into the house to see what was happening, but she really didn’t want to be spanked. She eventually convinced herself that Hazel would be making breakfast and she had nothing to worry about and she anxiously headed to the house to join her.

  Jenny stepped into the kitchen and was dismayed not to find Hazel preparing breakfast while Charles read his newspaper. She wandered out into the hallway and froze as she heard Charles scolding Hazel. “Keep still you silly girl. Do you want to be spanked again?”

  Hazel was whimpering and Jenny wondered what on earth Charles was doing to her. Hazel certainly wasn’t being spanked and Charles was saying nothing to indicate exactly what was happening. Whatever it was, Hazel was very unhappy.

  “Hazel, if you don’t stay still there are many other ways I can punish you, ways that will be much more humiliating than this. I can always demonstrate. No, I didn’t think you’d want that. Now be a good girl and hold still. I’m not going to hurt you – at least not yet.”

  Jenny’s eyes widened as she edged closer. She desperately wanted to know what was happening but didn’t want to land herself in trouble. Whatever he was doing to Hazel, Jenny certainly didn’t want him to switch his attention to her instead.

  “Oh Sir, it hurts. I don’t like it,” cried Hazel. Jenny was even more perplexed as she reached the doorway and peered in. Charles was sitting on the sofa with Hazel across his lap. Her bottom was bare, her pyjama bottoms and panties around her knees. A familiar sight, but unusual in that Charles was pushing something into Hazel’s bottom, which she was understandably resisting.

  Jenny grinned as she thought how willingly Hazel accepted her finger or a dildo in her bottom. She guessed it was humiliating for Charles to be doing it to her though. Jenny was very relieved not to be the one across Charles’ knee. She’d die of embarrassment. She felt immediate sympathy for Hazel, but wouldn’t swap places with her for anything.

  “Oh Sir, it hurts, take it out. It burns.”

  “Calm down Hazel. It’s supposed to sting. Mr Bainbridge loaned me a book on Victorian punishments. In those days young ladies were often kept in line with a process called figging.”

  Jenny stared at Hazel squirming across Charles’ lap as he spoke calmly. “I decided to leave you to your own devices in the cottage. I didn’t want to intrude, but I expected much more of you. You’ve been my housekeeper for many years and are more than capable of keeping a house clean and tidy. I’m absolutely disgusted at the mess you’ve made in there. You’re living like a pair of slobs. If you can’t keep the place clean and tidy, you can move back into the house and I’ll give the cottage to someone who deserves it.”

  Jenny’s eyes filled with tears. She couldn’t bear having their little cottage taken away from them and she vowed she would help Hazel with the housework in future. She guessed it was a bit of a mess and she was relieved that Charles had never visited her at the student accommodation she’d shared with her friends as that had been much worse than the cottage she now shared with Hazel!

  Charles continued with his scolding. “You’re starting to get lazy with my housework again too and you’re working less hours each day. It stops now. I pay you to be my housekeeper and I expect you to do that job to the best of your ability. Spanking you doesn’t seem to work and I can see more severe punishment is required. Hopefully the insertion of ginger into your bottom is going to refocus your attention and help you sort out your priorities. I was reluctant to punish you mo
re severely, but you’ve made this necessary. You have no-one else to blame but yourself.”

  Hazel wailed. “Sir, I’m sorry. Please take it out. It hurts. I promise I’ll be good.” Hazel’s pleas were answered with a hard spanking which Jenny watched from the doorway. Hazel squirmed and squealed her way through it as her bottom reddened. Jenny was mesmerised by the ginger poking out of Hazel’s bottom and she desperately longed to thrust it in and out of her. She was also turned on by the deep red blush covering her lover’s bottom and she was desperate to kiss and caress the inflamed flesh.

  Charles eventually stopped spanking Hazel and she sobbed miserably. Jenny was a little disappointed the spanking had stopped as she was getting really turned on watching Hazel squirming across Charles’ lap with the strange object poking crudely out of her bottom hole.

  “I’m sorry Sir. Please stop. I’ll be a good girl. No more,” Hazel pleaded.

  Jenny watched as Charles leaned forward and picked up a small paddle from the table. “Hazel, if you stop clenching your buttocks it won’t hurt as much.” He raised the wooden paddle and cracked it down on Hazel’s bottom. She howled in pain.

  “It hurts Sir. It burns.”

  “Relax your bottom. Don’t clench. That’s a good girl.” Charles raised the paddle and cracked it down again. Hazel squealed in agony. Charles seemed to believe he knew what he was talking about, but Jenny thought Hazel disagreed.

  Jenny felt sorry for Hazel, but she couldn’t prevent her hand working its way down the front of her own pyjama bottoms, her fingers working their way under the waistband of her panties and rubbing her hard wet clit. She watched in fascination as Charles held Hazel firmly in position and gave her a thorough paddling.